Our Data Visualisations

Sometimes a question arises that we just can’t ignore…

Usually this happens on our morning team catch-ups and often it has absolutely nothing to do with science.

But questions need answering! So, this is a little happy science place for all those unanswered questions — now answered in beautiful data-viz style!

Commonly Misspelled Words

We all have that word that just doesn’t quite look right.

The one that is perennially underlined in squiggly red.

Do you have a word like that? If you do, chances are it’s one of these.

Top 10 Google mistakes

Polar Chart: Animal Encounters

We have been dying for an excuse to use a polar chart, so when we came across a paper entitled ‘Animal-Encounter Fatalities, United States, 1999-2016: Cause of Death and Misreporting’ – it’s as though all of our Christmases came at once!

Killed by a...5

Alicia Vs Balrog

At RubyDuke, we always try to fit your project with the right team member; whether creating a scientific slide deck or engaging in underground mortal combat with a powerful wizard from The Lord Of The Rings.

But this week we have been pondering, when push comes to shove, who would we rather have in our team?

Balrog 13

As you can see, it’s Alicia who comes out on top this time.

Although we can’t fit a Balrog into our team at the moment, they will always have a special place in our hearts.

If you want to see some other questions answered, keep scrolling!

Which Titan Of Tennis Is The Greatest Of All Time?

Team RubyDuke have been reflecting on how lucky we have been to witness not one, but three all-time great tennis players going head-to-head at the same time. However, a question remains: now that they are moving towards the twilight of their careers, who will be remembered as the greatest of all?

Time to look at some stats!

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Slam_(tennis)#Career_Grand_Slam [last accessed June 2022]


What If Art Were Valued By Surface Area?

The debate about the most talented artist of all time has been raging on for hundreds of years.

Who uses the finest colours? Whose brush strokes are the most delicate? Whose canvas can evoke tears from even the sturdiest of noblemen!?

But have you ever wondered which artist was the most cost efficient? Probably not, huh?

By that we mean: which artist has produced the most value for their paintings per cm squared? Whose paint is worth the most?

We did the maths, we did the visualizing. This not-so-age-old question now, at least, has an answer.

Data presented from the most top 50 most valuable paintings (adjusted to current currency) as of 2022.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_paintings#List_of_highest_prices_paid [last accessed April 2022]

Can Anyone Catch The King Of Rock And Roll?

Elvis ‘The King of Rock and Roll’ Presley has had a mind-blowing 21 UK chart-topping singles.

Our question today: will anyone ever surpass Elvis Presley as the title of ‘Artist With The Most UK Number 1 Hit Singles Of All Time’?

Has anyone even come close?! Are there any current titans of pop that might someday compete with the reigning champ?

There was only one thing for it, time to get our data-viz on!

Source: https://www.officialcharts.com [last accessed January 2022]

Job Salary And Satisfaction

“What do you want to do when you grow up?”

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. But what do we actually base this decision on?

At RubyDuke we love science – like a lot – so we decided to come up with a methodical, data-based approach to find the occupations that sit right in that perfect sweet spot between wellbeing and wealth.

Take a look at our interactive data visualization to see the careers that come out on top…

Data collected from the Office for National Statistics (2015).

Mean personal well-being measured out of 10 for life satisfaction, sense of worthwhile, happiness yesterday and anxiety yesterday by standard occupation code as recorded in the Annual Population Survey.

Mean Average Gross Pay and career category according to SOC10 code from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE 2015). Mean annual salary between £0-£120,000.

If you like the look of our data vizualizations and are thinking ‘I would love to have one of these in my presentation/website/article/bathroom’, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the button below.

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